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Friday, 12 November 2010

Dress making update

Happy Friday everyone!
Things have been so busy recently and work the same so I haven't felt much like sewing.  With the commitments of more craft stalls in the future it's been hard to fit in anything other than making things for that.  It's even got to the stage that the thought of making something just for me feels selfish!  it's just a case of priorities though isn't it?  Christmas will be upon us before we know it and that means lots of Christmas fairs, bazaars and the like.  Wonderfully, there seems to be a lot of interest in what we do and so, as luck would have it, lots of opportunities to take part in these events have arisen.  It's just a bit of a guessing game as to what will be received the best and how much of each thing I should make.  So saying that, my production has come to a stand still as I've run out of glue and didn't have time to buy any so that gave me the chance to continue work on my dress and boy, did I miss my machine!  (I realise this makes me sound like I have no life but really, it's so relaxing to do something creative and the results give such a buzz!)
Anyhoo, back to my Amy Butler pattern dress project.  At the moment it is looking way too long but that’s no great shakes as I can use the off cuts for fascinator bases.  I think the main reason I was putting it off working more on the dress was that I have never put in a zip before.  Having been using my glue gun so much to make hair clips and things I wondered if I could get away with using that.  Thankfully I came to my senses and started my search for the machine’s zipper foot that I never thought when I bought my machine last year,  that I would ever use.
Sewing the zip to the material  was actually pretty easy using the zipper foot and has come out well.  There was a choice in the pattern to use an invisible zip, which would have been my preference, or a normal dress zip.  I had to go with the normal one though as I found it really hard to find an invisible zipper in the length I needed – I whopping 22 inches!  Also I am really fussy when it comes to colours and ordered the same zip in a couple of colours.  As a first attempt I don’t think it’s bad but may have a think and redo it now I know how.  I was so chuffed when I’d done it though and was amazed that the zip opened and closed without catching, there are clothes that I’ve bought on the high street whose zippers catch so I saw it as a small victory.  At the moment all the pieces (minus the sleeves) are pinned together and it’s looking like a lovely fitted dress.  This is the stage that I always get impatient when I can see what the dress will be like and want to cut all sorts of corners to get it on.  I am currently debating about whether I really need to make the lining and attach it when all I want to do is make those cute cap sleeves! 

I do love dress making but it’s the preparation that sometimes puts me off starting a project.  The thought that I have to do over everything I’ve done so far with a white lining fills me with no joy whatsoever but even writing this I know it’s the right thing to do L  Poop to my inability to go against instructions!
Here are a few of photos in the this part of the process when what you’re making actually looks like a proper item.  Hope to finish it this weekend so will try and take breaks and take progress photos.

The final piece I want to skip to

Too long and inside out

Ex'zip'it A - hohohoho

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