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Thursday 7 October 2010

Shoe Reward

Work has been really busy recently and all year I have been trying had to save as much as I can for Christmas presents and holidays, rainy days and..well, I have to admit treats for me.  I acknowledge and accept that I am a girly girl but sometimes despise being stereotyped and often am.  Yes, I'm blond, yes I'm a girl, yes I wear dresses but I do have a brain, speak a few of languages and know my own mind....but am I a stereo-typical woman?  I asked my husband what he thought a 'typical' woman meant to him and he replied 'there isn't such thing'.  Bless him.  The reason I ask is that I found myself cringing inwardly at my behaviour TWICE in the past week.  I do I like shopping but do it online can't stand the crowds but do I squeal in the presence of certain handbags? Do I dream about the shoes I've seen the day before that I resisted buying?  The answer, it seems is yes.  I have restrained myself on buying the handbag I'm about to share with you but the shoes, ah the shoes, they are now mine and I have been wearing them at every opportunity, even in the house and just to prove to hubby that I wouldn't break my neck from being at such a great height, I have done the hoovering in them.  Oh yes, I may be 5'7 in flats but in my new additions I am the same height as my husband.  It's a strange feeling not having to tiptoe to kiss him.  Anyway, I digress.....Office are selling a shoe called 'Simple Minds' and here they are:

I admit these might not be to everyone's tastes but I fell into the deepest smit with them, but now I own them and wear them so no longer need to obsess about them.  However, I have them out of their box at the moment and in the spare room and last  night, I found myself checking in on them before I went to bed....
The next item I have squealed over is a handbag unlike any other that I've seen.  it's from a darling site called Lunacy Clothing Boutique (which I stumbled upon trying to find a dolly mixture bracelet - which I found by the way.)  I know I don't need it, I know it's a bit mad but I always find myself drawn to the unusual.  Here's the object of my affections.  what do you think?

I love it, just posting its photo has made me a quivering wreck.  So case closed, I am a 'typical' woman in this case and am proud! 

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